2. Fun with materials! (Can you hear the sarcasm?)
We have these great science books this year! So the warehouse sent our middle school staff their books and held elementary. Even though they did have a PO number, they wanted a copy of the PO. The books were delayed about 4 days. We should have them early in the week. No big deal. Monday came and went. Tuesday came and went. Wednesday came and went. Thursday came and went. All we knew they were on a truck somewhere. They arrived yesterday afternoon. Yeah!
3. BUT...
So I was unpacking all my science materials. I have a small flipchart, a cd with science songs, 100 science books and no teacher's manual. I go to the 2nd grade teacher. She doesn't have one either. Third grade has hers. So I go to our academic coach. She informed me that I was welcome to the British Literature books that were sent with the Science books. British Literature!!! They sent us British Literature instead of our science teacher manuals! So I am currently waiting for my teachers manual. It is funny that both teachers without manuals are the tech savvy people. We know how to easily access it online. Better us than someone who has difficulty with computers.
4. I have help for my low ones!! Our academic head and coaches have done a great job! I will actually have an extra set of hands for my low ones this year!! I am ecstatic. I felt I didn't get enough one on one and small group time last year. My first graders made great strides last year, but I expect this year to be even better!
5.News from Classroom Friendly supplies! They have pink sharpeners now!!
They will also donate $1 for each one sold to Cancer charities. Click the picture to check them out!
Today is my last Saturday before school starts, so I have a ton to do!!
Love the pink pencil sharpener! I've been wanting one and pink will match my classroom! I'm heading there now!
Always an Adventure in Kindergarten