Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let's get acquanted and another giveaway

The Noun Game

My favorite person
It would be wrong for me not to pick my husband of 15 years.  He is my best friend and I love him more today then when we got married.  I do have to say that my three sons do come a close second.

My favorite place is home.  I love to have all my men with me.  Sometimes we all climb into bed which is getting harder with a 14 year old.

This is a really close competition between my iphone and my laptop.

My favorite pet is a cat.  Yes I am a cat person and if given the chance I would become a cat lady!!

This is my sweetie, Midnight.

My other favorite animals are otters and jellyfish.  I just love to sit and watch them.

I found another giveaway!  Here it is!



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