Monday, March 4, 2013

My lucky seven (it gets a little deep here)

1.  My husband of almost 15 years

This is us on that day.  I got to marry my best friend and even though some days I want to scream, I could not imagine life with anyone else!

2.,3.,4.  My three boys (I am cheating here)

I am so blessed to have three sweet, down to earth boys.  They are hard working and intelligent.  I would not give them up for the world!

5.  My mother

She is strength and courage.  She has lived, survived, and triumphed.  I love her for who she is, but also what she has done.  She was 17 when she gave birth to me.  She could have chosen to abort me (I was born after Roe v Wade), but she kept me and loved me.

6.  My best friend

Another strong woman in my life.  She just beat cancer.  We met 27 years ago and have remained friends.  We have been a rock to each other through some trying times and some happy times.  She might as well be my sister.

7.  My God!
I have had a life that could have produced something good or bad.  It was only my loving God's protection and guidance that has lead me where I am today.  I am not a perfect person by any means.  I have some imperfections I would like to either forget or change.  Overall I do what I can for everyone I come in contact with (and some I never meet).  I thank God for what he has done for me and for giving me the other 6 people on my list!



  1. Thank you so much for participating in my linky! Your boys are adorable!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  2. Love your wedding picture! You two look so happy. :) Your boys all look so much alike, too! I can definitely see the resemblance. :)

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans
