Saturday, March 9, 2013

My favorite things...thanks to my school...and giveaways

I thought I would take today to tell you my favorite things that my school has bought and provided.

1.  My projector
I do not have a smartboard (would love one though), but my projector is the next best thing.  Before this year I used my own laptop with it.  Other teachers used their desktop computers.  I tried that and it was not functional for me.  It gives me the chance to use my document camera, project great sites like Greg Tang and Class Dojo!

2.  Reflex

This program helps students with math fact fluency.  My students LOVE it!!!  My first graders are about 40% fluent with their addition and subtraction facts.  One student has started multiplication and division.  A few more are close behind.  I work in a title 1 school with about 70% on free and reduced lunch.  This are things you would expect out of a high income area.  It is amazing!

Here is a link for a free 14 day trial
The grant deadline has passed, but I am sure they will have another cycle so keep an eye out!


Dreambox is math lessons that support common core.  They adapt to the individual trial.  In this program some of my students are still in kindergarten (huge gaps here).  Most of my students are almost done with first grade and are moving into second grade material.They have a schoolwide trial.

As you look at a new school year soon, I hope that you can check them out and possibly suggest them to your school.

Remember my giveaway!

Along with a few others!!!


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